|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||齐季坊倡导节能环保并且能给人以美妙的产品和效劳。每一个产品背后都躲藏着一个漂亮的故事。从我们身边未被发觉的、曾经消逝或许正在消逝的保守、观念、工艺、资料中开掘美的潜质偏重新发明他们。这些产品的美妙可以为一般群众享用而具有,这便是我们的幻想做老百姓买得起的好设想。||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Qi Ji studio has been committed to promoting energy saving and environment protection,and also providing the best products and service.Every product goes with a moving story.We has been searched for the inner beauty from daily unawared,passed or slipping away customs,beliefs,crafts and materials to recreate them finally.The common people will enjoy and use those beautiful products,and this is our original intentionto design products for the masses.||||||||||||||||||||||||||为什么是齐季 齐季坊的称号代表着齐季坊的理念。同时节一样具有生生不息勇往直前的生命力;同不同季节的万物一样,适者生活,万物的具有都与时节相符合,未几也不少,恰到好处,到达一种完满的调和。齐季坊的设想追求这样的调和与完满;同时节一样,时节的活动天然而不漏踪迹,齐季坊追求这样的繁复与朴实;同时节一样,每个人都具有,差异只是心境的不同。齐季坊为群众设想。||||||||||||WHYIS QIJI?The name of Qi Ji represents for our studios faith.Ji s Chinese meaning is season,standing for a vitality of life and growth in nature just like season changes.The season changes,so as the everything in the nature,the survival of the fittest,the existing of all things in the world should be fit for the nature season,no more ,no less,be just perfect.Qi Ji studio pursuit after this perfection and harmoniousness.Like the seasons,they change naturally and simple,fluently and plain.Our studio strive for the nature beauty.We have different moods in different seasons,but all of us can share the products of Qi Jiour studio has been committed to providing products for common people.